How to optimise your Facebook Business Page in 2023 PLUS how does the Facebook algorithm work?

Facebook business page ~ our top tips to optimise your page in 2023!

1. Choose your profile picture carefully! 
Maybe it's right for you to have a logo, maybe a photo of you, whatever it is - size it right! Make sure it reflects your brand. 
180px x 180px and still readable at 40px which is what it will be shown as in teh newsfeed. 

15 power tips to optimise your Facebook Business Page using NPE!

2. Nail your Cover Image! 820px x 312px it's your best opportunity to make your business shine! BUT ... mobile users will see 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall - so make it work for both. Make sure you add a description of the cover image, and each time you update it, your followers will see your update! 

add a description to your facebook cover image, and update it regularly

3. Add a link to your website. And connect all your socials and all the good stuff in there, too! This is where people will come to to find out everything. Write a great, short, fabulous bio - it's your superhero statement, and needs to sum up exactly what you do and how you help people. 
facebook page optimisation - link all your socials and website so people can easily connect with you

4. Change your Facebook URL - it's called a VANITY URL and you don't want what Facebook automatically gives you, which is a bunch of gobbletygook numbers ... you want a fancy customised URL which makes your Facebook Page easier to find and remember. 

customise your facebook business page URL with a vanity URL
5. PIN the posts to your page that you want to be featured, that people see before they see anything else! 
pin your best posts on your facebook business page as featured post, to show people what you're about

6. Create videos! These are the best way for you to get greater reach. PLUS when you create video playlists, you make it easier for people to watch all that you're putting out! 

bite-size-business video play list facebook meta business suite

What is the Facebook Algorithm?
The Facebook algorithm ranks the posts each user sees based on a bunch of factors, with the top three being;
• Who and what does a user regularly interact with?
• The type of media - eg videos, links, images, carousel etc
• The popularity of the post within the first little bit of it being posted. 

Things you can do to help make the Facebook algorithm work for you:

• CTA's! (that's call-to-action!) .... that's right, it's easy - just start conversations that will create engagement.
• Post when your audience is online, not just when it feels the easiest time for you. Look at your insights to know the best time. 
• Get in front of your camera and do a FAcebook live! 
• Reels! Video! Facebook is prioritising VIDEO in the feed. Get on that!
• Consistency... whether that's 1x per day, or 2x per week. Make sure you're consistent. 
• Don't post and ghost. Social Media is for being SOCIAL ... engage on others posts, share them into your Stories, give value in groups, and add value to the platform!
• Try not to add external links in your posts - put them in the comments if you need to. 
• Don't be all salesly all of the time. People aren't on social media to be sold to endlessly ... they're there for connection and entertainment. EDUTAIN them!!

Listen in to our Bite-Size podcast episode about 
How to optimise your Facebook Business Page in 2023 PLUS how does the Facebook algorithm work?

Watch this episode of our Business Bite-Size on YouTube to learn more:

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